
The Positive Impact Of Animal Rescue Services

The Positive Impact Of Animal Rescue Services

There are many reasons why animal rescue services are important in communities. They can provide proper medical care, shelter and healthy environments for animals to thrive while promoting animal welfare. Read on to learn more about the positive impact of animal rescue services.

Prioritising Animal Welfare

Not every animal experiences a good quality of life. Animal rescue services play a significant role in ensuring that animals cope with their surroundings. Abandoned or ill-treated animals are provided with essential care to ensure they receive:

  • Proper nutrition, including access to clean water.
  • A comfortable environment.
  • Good health through regular vaccinations and improving risk factors that make them vulnerable to diseases.
  • An environment which encourages good behaviour through play and related sensory activities.
  • A positive mental state which promotes comfort and enjoyment while reducing fear and pain.

Reuniting Pets and Owners

Various circumstances can lead to animals being separated from their owners. For instance, domestic animals might require their owners to provide constant care and supervision so they don’t get lost. However, there are cases when owners underestimate the responsibility needed to keep their pets safe.

This can result in domestic animals going missing, roaming the streets, or trespassing. If your domestic animal is separated from its home, you can rely on the FREE-to-use iER App to connect you to reliable animal rescue services. You’ll receive immediate assistance to locate your animal and reduce your anxiety about reuniting with your pet.

Education and Wellness

Most people need to become more familiar with the efforts of animal rescue services in their community. Focusing on animal education and wellness can help improve measures to save abandoned animals. Most importantly, it can ensure new pet owners have the proper knowledge to raise and care for their domestic animals.

Another reason why animal education and wellness are important is that they can help you better understand being an owner of an abandoned animal, including diseases they might have, their mental state and finding effective ways to improve their comfort and safety. Animal rescue services can also benefit you by knowing who to call if you have a distressed or ill animal that’s been abandoned.

Ending Illegal Breeding

Did you know that illegal breeding has been associated with the massive animal overpopulation crisis? Research suggests that the illegal animal trade disregards the health and welfare of animals such as dogs. For instance, these animals lack proper access to veterinary services and are disposed of whenever they don’t meet the breeder’s standards.

This practice is common with puppies that are taken from their mothers while very young and exposed to unhygienic conditions. While dog breeding is legal in South Africa, most illegal breeders don’t follow the requirements and ethical measures to promote the safety of these dogs. If you know a breeding establishment that exhibits cruel animal practices, you can use the FREE-to-use iER App to alert the emergency contact centre, which will dispatch animal rescue services in your area.

Protecting Animals

Protecting animals is a significant action that everyone should take. There is a growing trend of animals being used and exploited for human interests, from being used as entertainment in circuses to scientific experiments and being born in factory farms. Animal rescue services offer a line of defence for domestic and wild animals to prevent any harm they may be exposed to.

Encouraging pet owners to be more responsible can help improve the protection of domestic animals. Wildlife conservation efforts are also significant and require effective measures to ensure endangered animals remain protected. The FREE-to-use iER App provides 24/7 access to animal rescue services that aid in protecting animals, nationwide.

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